Navigli Canals of Milan private walking tour with a local guide

Navigli Canals of Milan private walking tour with a local guide

Based on 15 reviews
Free cancellation
Language: English, Italian, French, German
Mobile voucher accepted
Duration: up to 2 hours
Why you’ll love this…
  • Enjoy a fully dedicated private discovering the Navigli canals of Milan
  • Explore a unique off the beaten path part of Milan, filled with charming stories and unique treasures
  • Discover the most picturesque and historical corners of Milan
What to expect

The Navigli canals are a magical place, where time seems to have stopped! Treat yourself to a guided stroll to discover one of the most fascinating stories of Milan and have fun in the most sparkling district of the city.

This experience is part of STEP, a selection of walking tours designed as a way to discover a destination in more depth, finding hidden gems, meeting the locals and exploring off the beaten path.

The tour will start from the Basilica of St. Eustorgio, a 4th-century Christian church, where you will visit the Ark of the Magi, a large sarcophagus which, according to the legend, houses the relics of the three Magi, and Portinari Chapel. While walking along the new dock towards the Naviglio Pavese and the Naviglio Grande, your guide will provide you with explanations and anecdotes of the canal network, the contribution of Leonardo da Vinci, the commercial activities from the Middle Ages to the 19th century, the faces of yesterday and today of the Ticinese district, and its musical traditions and sports.

During your walk, you will feel a unique atmosphere that only the Navigli area can create, a mixture of old, new and stylish ambience. You will also visit one of the most picturesque and historical corners of Milan: Vicolo dei Lavandai (Alley of the laundress) and you will learn all the washerwomen’s tricks of the job and visit the courtyard of a typical Milanese 'banister house'.

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What's included
  • check 2-hour private tour
  • check Friendly and local guide
  • check Entrance fees to the Portinari Chapel
  • check Headset to listen clearly to your guide

Piazza Sant'Eustorgio, 3, 20122, Milano MI, Italy

Meeting point:
Meet your destination insider /in front of Basilica of St. Eustorgio, 10 minutes before the departure of the tour. Your guide will be holding a Musement sign for better recognition.
What to remember
  • This walking tour allows you to explore the city from a local perspective and in a sustainable way. Remember that it involves a fair amount of walking
  • Walking distance: 2-2.5 Km
  • This is a private tour for a group of up to 10 guests. Tell the guide what you want and let them focus on your interests

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Musement S.p.A.
Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 24 hours before the experience begins.

What people say about this experience



Based on 15 reviews from verified customers

  • Anonymous

    From United States of America - October 2023


    Overall rated


    La guida: Interessante e simpatica, ma poco di nuovo sui navigli. Per esempio approfondire la vita si bordi dei navigli, gli artigiani, trasporto di m ...

  • Anonymous

    From United States of America - July 2022


    Overall rated


    Bellissima atmosfera, anche se faceva caldissimo e veramente meravigliosa esperienza. La guida è stata veramente gentile, brava e preparata. Tour supe ...

  • Anonymous

    From Italy - May 2022


    Overall rated


  • Anonymous

    - April 2018


    Overall rated


    Was good and interesting.

  • Anonymous

    - March 2018


    Overall rated


    Esperienza super

  • Anonymous

    - March 2018


    Overall rated


    Hay que ir por lo menos una vez en la vida. ¡Visita de 10!

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