Nat Geo Day Tour: The Story of Pasta with Fusilli Making Class
Excursions & day trips

Nat Geo Day Tour: The Story of Pasta with Fusilli Making Class

Free cancellation
Mobile voucher accepted
Duration: from 4 hours to 8 hours
Why you’ll love this…
  • Discover the history of pasta and how Gragnano became renowned worldwide for its dried pasta, driven by one remarkable family
  • Explore the restored mills in the Valley of the Mills, a picturesque ravine nestled between the mountains and the sea, between Sorrento, Naples, and the Amalfi Coast
  • Discover the story of Pasta Cuomo - which was founded in 1820 but after initial success, closed down for 70 years until 2013 when the latest generation of the Cuomo family revived the business into the specialist pasta producer of today
  • Engage in an interactive fusilli pasta-making workshop with 'Nonna Giuseppina', an expert who will guide you through every step of kneading and rolling
  • Savor a delightful farm-to-table pasta lunch made with fresh ingredients from the factory's garden
What to expect

Discover the essence of Gragnano on this National Geographic-exclusive pasta tour, starting with a scenic bus ride along the Bay of Naples, under the watchful eye of Mount Vesuvius. Your National Geographic-trained guide will give you an insight into Campanian culture as you sit back and soak up the views.

The first stop is the Valley of the Mills, a picturesque ravine on the slopes between Sorrento, Naples and the Amalfi Coast. Here, a local volunteer historian and retired miller, dedicated to the restoration of the site, will reveal the fascinating engineering behind the series of mills, of which two will be exclusively opened for travelers on this tour.

Enjoy a short walk before heading to Pasta Cuomo. Here, visit the factory and museum, then travel back in time to experience Gragnano's past through virtual reality. During your tour you will meet and learn about one of the oldest pasta making families of the area, a family ancestry that is partly responsible for pasta's transatlantic journey to the United States in the late 1800s. Then, it's time to roll up your sleeves and put your culinary skills to test at an interactive pasta-making session, with Nonna Giuseppina (grandma!) on hand to guide you as you knead and roll.

Finally, indulge in a pasta lunch featuring ingredients sourced from the factory's garden, a true farm-to-table experience and a rewarding way to end the tour.

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What's included
  • check Guide
  • check Transport
  • check Pasta making class
  • check Lunch
  • check Drinks
  • check Glass of wine
What to remember
  • This tour may not be suitable for gluten-sensitive or gluten-intolerant due to the amount of loose flour in the air
  • Please note, during your visit to the production area of the pasta factory, you'll be required to wear a protective hairnet and disposable apron
  • Not suitable for wheelchairs
  • Bring suitable footwear
  • This experience doesn't follow our general cancellation policy. If you need to cancel, you must do so at least 48-hours in advance to receive a full refund.
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Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 2 days before the experience begins.

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