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Skip-the-line combo tickets to Uffizi Gallery, Palazzo Pitti and Boboli Gardens
Attractions & guided tours

Skip-the-line combo tickets to Uffizi Gallery, Palazzo Pitti and Boboli Gardens

Based on 1284 reviews
Language: English , Italian , French , Spanish , German
Mobile voucher accepted
Duration: up to 120 hours
Do this because
  • Save time and money with your ticket and visit three of the most important museums in Florence
  • With your 5-day ticket, visit the Uffizi Gallery, Pitti Palace and Boboli Gardens at your own pace
  • Take advantage of skip-the-line entrance to the museums and don't waste time waiting in queues
What to expect

Don't miss the opportunity to access the most important museums in Florence with a single pass! Visit the Uffizi Gallery at your own pace with this skip-the-line ticket, which also gives you access to Pitti Palace and the Boboli Gardens. After validating your ticket at the Uffizi on the day booked, you will have five days to visit the Palatine Gallery and Gardens whenever you want to, skipping the long lines at the ticket office.

The Uffizi Gallery is Italy's most famous art gallery as well as one of the favorite destinations for travelers from all over the world. Famous especially for its incredible collection of Renaissance paintings, the museum welcomes millions of visitors every year. Admire the eight rooms dedicated to Caravaggio, where you'll find the Medusa, Bacchus, the Sacrifice of Isaac, and other masterpieces as well as paintings by other great 17th century artists such as Artemisia Gentileschi, Velazquez, Rembrandt, Van Dyck and Rubens.

Palazzo Pitti is one of the largest museums in Florence; the imposing 13th-century building houses the Palatine Gallery as well as the Royal Quarters, the Modern Art Gallery, dedicated to Italian art from the 18th century to World War I, the Museum of Fashion and Costume and the Treasury of the Grand Dukes.

Located behind Palazzo Pitti, the Boboli Gardens are the first example of an Italian-style garden. Statues, fountains and caves dot the meadows, giving the impression of an open-air museum. The nearby Bardini Gardens, not as famous, have a unique structure that makes them a visit worthwhile. Finally, in the Knight's Building, the Porcelain Museum preserves some of the most beautiful porcelain works in Europe.

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What's included
  • check Skip-the-line combo ticket to 5 museums valid for 5 days
  • check Audio tour app on your smartphone (if selected)
  • check Access to temporary exhibitions
Meeting point:
The meeting point varies depending on the ticket option you have purchased. SKIP-THE-LINE TICKET: please arrive 15 minutes before your time slot directly at the Uffizi Gallery and show the access code on your voucher at the ticket office, entrance number 3. SKIP-THE-LINE TICKET WITH AUDIO GUIDE: please arrive 30 minutes before your time slot at the agency located at 10/black Lungarno degli Acciaiuoli to collect your tickets (remember NOT to go directly to the museum entrance with your voucher).
What to remember
  • The ticket must be validated at the Uffizi on the day you have booked. You can visit the other museums once at the time you prefer within 5 days: Pitti Palace, Boboli Gardens, Museo dell'Opificio delle Pietre Dure and National Archaeological Museum of Florence
  • Skip-the-line ticket: please arrive 15 minutes before your time slot directly at the Uffizi Gallery and show the access code on your voucher at the ticket office
  • Skip-the-line ticket with audio guide: please arrive 30 minutes before your time slot at the agency located at 10/black Lungarno degli Acciaiuoli to collect your tickets
  • Please note that you'll need to download the audio guide to your smartphone (you will not receive another device). The audio tour app is available in 5 languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish and German
  • Free tickets (with pre-sale fee) are available for children under 18, people with disabilities and one accompanying person. Children under 7 years do not need a ticket and can enter directly with an adult
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Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Unfortunately, we can't offer you a refund nor can we change or cancel your booking for this particular product, due to our partner's policy.

What people say about this experience



Based on 1284 reviews from verified customers


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Value for money


  • Anonymous

    From United States of America - July 2024


    Overall rated


  • Anonymous

    From United States of America - July 2024


    Overall rated


  • Anonymous

    From France - July 2024


    Overall rated


    J ai réservé plusieurs musées par mû,tout c est très bien passé et nous a permis de visiter sans a avoir à attendre et être certain de pouvo ...

  • Anonymous

    From United States of America - June 2024


    Overall rated


    Lorsque l on arrive à l adresse donnée pour retirer les audioguides la personne nous dirige vers la porte 3 de la galerie des offices.La on nous donne ...

  • Anonymous

    From Germany - June 2024


    Overall rated


  • Anonymous

    From United States of America - June 2024


    Overall rated


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